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If you can't find a policy, please let us know by using the Contact form on the website, email: or telephone: 01223 471791

For all Trust Policies, including Statutory and HR policies, please visit Horizons Education Trust/Policies.


Administration of Medicines

Admissions Statement

Anti-Bullying Policy

Attendance Policy

Behaviour Policy

Behaviour in Schools - Guidance

Charging & Remissions Policy

Coaching & Mentoring Policy

Complaints Procedure

Cultural Development & SMSC Policy

Data Protection Policy 

Data Retention Policy

Discretionary Leave of Absence Policy

E-Safety Policy

Educational Visits Policy

Emergency Planning for Educational & Childcare Settings - Guidance

Equalities & Diversity Policy

Exams - AI Policy

Exams - Assessment, Feedback & Appeals Policy

Exams - Conflict of Interest Policy

Exams - Internal Appeals Policy

Exams - Malpractice Policy

Exams - Non-Examined Assessments Policy

Exams - Word Processing Policy 

Exclusion Policy

Fire Safety Policy & Procedures

Grievance Procedure

Health & Safety Policy

ICT Acceptable Use for Staff Policy

Intimate Care Policy 

Keeping Children Safe in Education (KCSIE)

Menopause Policy

Mental Health Policy

Minibus Driver & Safety Policy 

Mobile Phone Use in School

Moving & Handling Policy 

Provider Access Legislation (PAL) Policy 

PSHE, Citizenship & Personal Safety Policy

Public Access Legislation Policy 

Recruitment & Selection Policy

Remote Learning Policy

Responding to Prejudice Related Incidents Policy

Restrictive Physical Intervention Guidance Policy 

RSE Health Policy

Risk Management Policy

Safeguarding & Child Protection Policy 

Safer Employment Policy

Searching, Screening & Confiscation - Guidance

SEND Policy

Smoke Free Policy

Staff Code of Conduct

Staff Sickness Absence Policy

Staff Wellbeing Policy

Statement of Procedure for Dealing with Allegations of Abuse Against Staff

Sun Safety Policy

Supporting Pupils at School with Medical Conditions

Supporting Pupils With Medical Conditions Who Cannot Attend School

Suspension and Permanent Exclusion - Guidance

Use of Reasonable Force - Guidance

What To Do If You Are Worried A Child Is Being Abused - Guidance

Whistleblowing Policy

Wilful Damage Policy

Working Together to Improve School Attendance - Guidance 

Working Together to Safeguard Children - Guidance


The Local Authority (LA - Cambridgeshire County Council) and The Government are responsible for updating and issuing some of the policies which are adopted at Riverside Meadows Academy.

School policies are drawn up by Riverside Meadows Academy Senior Management Team (SMT) and will go through a staff and trustee consultation process.  Advice is also sought from our Human Resources consultants and Unions where applicable.

When the consultation process is complete and agreements received, the policies will be ratified by the Board of Trustees before being issued and implemented.

Child Welfare & Children missing from education

In line with our policies and procedures:

  • If you have concerns for a child’s welfare, please call the Cambridgeshire County Council Contact Centre on 0345 045 5203.
  • If you believe a child is missing from education, please complete the online form. This referral will remain anonymous to the family.

Full information can be found here.