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News at St Neots

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  • 22/07/24

    Careers Day 2024 at St Neots

    On Monday 15th July, 2024, Riverside Meadows Academy - St Neots hosted Career Day across the entire academy.
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  • 03/07/24

    St Neots Braves the Shave!

    On Monday one of our Assistant Heads representing our Senior Leadership Team, and student Max from the Junior Leadership Team chose to "Brave the Shave!" in support of Macmillan, raising well over £300 together while doing so.
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  • 29/04/24

    Govia Thameslink Railway Bike Donation

    Every year, thousands of cycles are abandoned at railway stations across the country.  Train station operators will try and reunite bikes with their owners. Still, normally they end up being removed and stored at central warehouses before finally being donated to charities for repair and resale...
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  • 13/03/24

    Artistic Success in Cambridgeshire Young Artist Competition for St Neots

    One of our Riverside Meadows - St Neots pupils has found success in the CAYAC) Cambridgeshire Young Artist Competition). Nadia submitted work under creative textiles, and won a prize for her hand painted and transfer print t-shirt expressing transgender rights.
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  • 12/03/24

    World Book Day 2024

    For World Book Day, 2024 we aimed to raise funds for our partner charity Dream Drops, as well as some library equipment, a cause in keeping with the theme of the day! 
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  • 07/02/24

    Riverside Meadows - St Neots Visits the National Holocaust Memorial Centre and Museum

    To mark International Holocaust Memorial Day on 27th January 2024, Riverside Meadows Academy - St Neots took part in a range of activities. During lessons, there were lots of discussions and sharing of information and the whole school took part in an assembly on Friday as well as most of the sc...
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  • 19/12/23

    Christmas 2023 at Riverside Meadows - St Neots

    As ever, Christmas has been such an exciting time of year. We are all so proud of everyone’s achievements this term and this year has been a real celebration. The school looks beautiful with all our staff making a real effort to make their rooms sparkle.  
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  • 19/12/23

    A Christmas Donation Brings Festive Cheer to Riverside Meadows - St Neots

    Riverside Meadows is currently undergoing a major revamp of its therapeutic offering for our students and our partnership with Dream Drops and St Neots Rotary Club couldn't have come at a better time.  We are truly grateful for their offers of support for our sensory room, and we are lookin...
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  • 24/11/23

    Children in Need 2023 at Riverside Meadows - St Neots

    We had a fun-filled afternoon on Friday 17th November at Riverside Meadows - St Neots. Staff and students raised a brilliant £131.66 by wearing non-uniform, baking cakes, guessing puppies’ names, wall sitting, creating a penny trail, water toilet roll game playing…phew...
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  • 13/11/23

    A Thoughtful Remembrance Day 2023 at Riverside Meadows, St Neots

    The whole school has been busy for the last two weeks getting ready for this important day. While they have been creating some very moving pieces of artwork and colouring poppies for our installation in the reception area, they have been learning about why we wear poppies and why black, white and pu...
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  • 06/11/23

    A Spooktacular Halloween at Riverside Meadows - St Neots

    We express our gratitude to Riverside Meadows - St Neots teachers and staff for organising a Halloween event that proved to be engaging and enjoyable for the students. The commitment to the theme was evident throughout the day, creating a festive atmosphere within the school.  
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  • 20/10/23

    Riverside Meadows - St Neots; Half Term Update, October 2023

    As we come to the end of the half term, we reflect on how far Riverside Meadows has come over the last year. 
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